Friday, April 24, 2009

Ship back

Ship back diffuse is just about done sans the area around the windows. Still a few odds and ends to fix up, and will be making a normal map soon. Any stylistic advice before i start the front?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Things with finished materials, ready to be placed:

External Lantern

Things that need doin':
Probably some other things that I don't have models loaded up for

I have a few questions so we don't double up on work. Should I do the entirety of the ship material? The glass material for the lamp and lantern is already finished, so if you guys could pop any other finished maps (normal, etc) in the webshare, it'd help me compile the materials faster. Please comment or pop in on the chat, or contact via google talk, so we can divide and conquer.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Monday, April 13, 2009

motivating lights

right now, the biggest challenge on my end of things is coming up with a way to create motivated light in a cave without using any of the cliche methods (phosphorescent mushrooms/bugs, torches, etc.). any suggestions here that would be feasable to implement will be more than welcome. my thin streams idea is one possibility, another could possibly be to put cracked barrels of gold to use as sources of reflective light. thoughts?


we'll probably talk about this tomorrow in class, but i think i've come up with a way to motivate the lighting, but it's going to take some modeling. I've given it a shot, but it's looking kinda ugly, so if one of you who is better at this sort of thing wants to take it, I'd be incredibly grateful.

the basic idea is that we've got a trickle of water that carries light that is brighter than the standing water. we'd need to static mesh the rocks at the sides of the stream the whole way down. will discuss feasability tomorrow.

my basic model is under rocks/waterfall

Shaders, UPKs, etc

I updated the two packages in the webshare again. The water package now has a glass material in it, as well as a still water. For a preview of the still water, open up the simple plane model in the UPK. I also fixed up the fire a little bit, made it a bit brighter. To those modeling lanterns-- if you want glass in them, a simple plane works wonders, but make sure the normal points outward. The glass material doesn't look nearly as good when two sided. The updated packages are also up for download here.

Now that we're making some serious headway, if those of you modeling are coming to a point where you're ready for texturing and materials on your completed models,if you send me a basic blocked in color, I can try to keep the painted/paper theme while detailing it. If you want to do the brush strokes yourself, they can be downloaded here, and here.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

New UPKs

Hey guys,

I began organizing my UPKs, so they're easier to manage. I've only separated what I have into two right now; one for water/fire effects, and one for the rocks and cave ground/surface materials. I also made the three floor tone materials ready to go in the rock/surface package, so they should be ready for testing if you wanna pop 'em in the BSP Tisdale :) The UPKs are in the webshare under the unrealPackages folder, named CRC_PKG_WATER_FIRE and CRC_PKG_ROCK_SURFACE respectively. I put them up for download as well if you need them at home, they can be downloaded here.

I still need to figure out how to make a good waterfall model. I'll be working on that and making a glass material tomorrow.